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Did I Causing My Own Stress

Many people don’t realize it but when it comes to being stress out they are their own worst enemies. Are you the problem?

When you hear the word stress what do you think of? Someone had a bad day at the office. Maybe they got into a fight with the boss. Or maybe someone had bad day at home. Maybe the kids were just totally out of control all day long. Most of us would agree that these are stressful situations and normal people would be stressed.

However, all stress, and levels of stress are always the result of external events in our world. Some people are making the situation worse that it really needs to be. One of the other facts of today’s world is that we live in a time of uncertainty. People are trying to blow up airplanes, many people are afraid they may be losing a job – uncertainty – it’s a way of life. Unfortunately some people have a very difficult time dealing with uncertainty. They are stressed not because of something that has happened, but because of something that may happen.

Have you ever someone call themselves a “perfectionist”, as if is a badge of honor. And I’m not saying that being a perfectionist is bad thing, but that type of attitude can also lead to living a stressful life – unnecessarily. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but no one is perfect. If you expect yourself and the people you deal with every day to be perfect you are going to be in for a stressful time as you are continually disappointed.

Perhaps the other end of the spectrum is just as bad – the pessimist. This person doesn’t expect perfection, in fact, they are pretty sure everything is going to go wrong. And if you go through life with this type of attitude you may find that you’re right most of the time, things will turn out badly. And you end up with another stressful situation.

No one can avoid stress in today’s worlds. But it might be worth taking a look to see if much of the stress you are dealing with may be self inflicted, and therefore avoidable.

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