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Secret the Truth of Some Weight Loss Myths

Therefore you wish to lose extra calories? You respond with a loud YES. Of course at this age and time majority of the people desire to stay in shape, not to be overly thin like stick figures though but to be in a healthy disposition (although curves won’t hurt). But, before you give most of the “evil” food, chocolates, cheese cakes, and potato salad, it is good to know first what’s the secret to the popular weight-loss legends.

Below are a few of the most usual legends and the truth behind them. Check them out to aid you have a better life cause there is nothing more empowering than losing weight in a healthier and more learned way.

Myth about Diet
Fat is a not for your regimen. Now this is not completely true. Though some fat are harmful, there are also those necessary for our nourishment such as essential fatty acids says the experts.

Another aspect to keep watch is the carbohydrates, not most carbs are not good, some like vegetables and whole grains are good for the health because they provide important vitamins and fiber to help digestion.

One thing that we need to be debunked is the notion that specific foods are loaded with “weight loss qualities” including grapes and some greens. But this isn’t really right, no food can actually burn fat.

Legend On Meal
Lose fat by not eating? But this legend must be corrected. making yourself hungry in anyway deprives your health of the nutrients it requires and may at times lead to fatal illness. In addition you also lose muscle weight not fat.

In addition the legend of not drinking water
after a meal, dining after six and the like are some of the myths that aren’t actually based on scientific or medical research so you need not continue believing them.

Myth On Physical Activity or Exercise
You have to join in the gym to shed off that bulge. This again is not completely real, according to studies about physical exercises or activities, it indicates 30 to 60 minutes a day of normal physical activity is all that is necessary to balance healthy food consumption plus it doesn’t have to be arduous exercise. Regular brisk walking can fix it.

Myth On Food
Believing that all salads are healthy? But again you also need to check the hefty dressing. Is it full of oil? is it full of mayo? Remember it’s not the vegetable or fruits per se you are consuming, ranch dressing has over 148 calories that is 140 from fat. Just be wise on your choices.

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